If you or someone you know dealing with illness, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or they’re suffering with addiction…

This Guided Meditation is for you!

It’ll put you in a state of complete relaxation and gratitude, making you a magnet for love, light and healing (for yourself and others).

Just know this:

    • Health is possible because health is REAL.
    • Choose to serve God by holding health for those who believe in sickness.
    • You are a miracle worker, here to hold healing for those who are afraid.
    • All power is of God, no matter what you’re facing. Inhale gratitude.
    • The only power is light, light is love. Love is God. Exhale fear.

I’ve included an accompanying prayer in .pdf format that I wrote years ago. It’s perfect for anyone facing illness, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Click here to get your copy.


Until next time, remember, I love you…you know that I do!
Heart Beat

I’d love to hear from you! How did you feel after the meditation? Were you able to visualise those in need of healing? Scroll down and leave a comment below.