In the midst of my quiet room, where sunlight filtered through sheer curtains, many a day I sat in contemplation. It’s been five long months of healing, of introspection, of contemplating the twists and turns my life had taken. My days had been filled with moments of pain, but also with profound moments of gratitude and revelation.

Each and every day as I sat there, I felt like a new version of myself was slowly emerging from the cocoon of my past and I couldn’t help but marvel at the journey I had been on. It was as if every experience, every challenge, every joy had led me to this moment of clarity.

My thoughts wandered to the source of my physical discomfort, a persistent pain in my neck that seemed to linger despite all my efforts to alleviate it. I asked myself so many times, was it merely a physical ailment, or did it hold deeper meaning? I thought was it a manifestation of past traumas, or the result of negative thought patterns that had taken root in my mind?

Determined to transcend this bodily symptom, I began to explore new ways of moving and being in my body. I embraced the fear that crept in whenever the pain subsided, acknowledging it as a sign of growth rather than regression.

In the silence of my healing, I found myself stripped of familiar comforts, like the simple act of speaking. Yet in that loss I discovered a new found appreciation for the voice I had taken for granted.

You know, they say that a pause in life is an opportunity to take stock, to reflect on what truly matters. And so, I delved deep into my soul asking myself the tough questions: Where did I want to go from here? Who do I want to become? What changes are necessary to align with my true purpose? And more importantly, who do I REALLY say I am?

With each passing day, I made strides in my thinking, realising the power I held to shape my reality with intention and joy, no matter what. Through the pain, I learned to become a witness to my experiences, rather than identifying with the seeming diagnosis.

And so, I embraced it all—the pain, the uncertainty and the moments of profound clarity—knowing that each step is bringing me closer to the universe within, to the depths of rediscovering who I truly am and what I was meant for.

In this pause I found not just a moment of stillness, but a portal to transformation—a journey into the depths of my soul, guided by faith and fueled by the unwavering belief that it was all leading me exactly where I need to be.

HOME in God.

Let it be so…and so it is.
With love,

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